Thirty-seven migrants died while attempting to cross the border from Morocco to the Spanish enclave of Melilla on 24 June 2022.

There are two kinds of antiracism. Only one works, and it has nothing to do with ‘diversity training’

While liberal antiracists argue over vocabulary, radicals take direct action – which is the only way to change the system In news that ought to please antiracist campaigners everywhere, just recently everybody seems to be talking about antiracism. Chief executives such as Larry Fink of BlackRock, one of the most powerful financial companies in the…

The right-wing populism that drove Brexit can only be fought with a genuinely radical alternative

For the first time in British political history, a far-right political movement, fuelled by Islamophobia and nativism, has won in a national poll. Yet more than a week after the Brexit vote, Britain’s mainstream political commentators have been unable to state that simple fact. Instead, they see the vote as either a legitimate protest against…

Draft paper on Islamophobia as lay ideology of US-led empire

In this draft academic paper, Islamophobia is analyzed as a “lay ideology” that offers an everyday “common sense” explanatory framework for making sense of mediated crisis events (such as terrorist attacks) in ways that disavow those events’ political meanings (rooted in empire, racism, and resistance) and instead explain them as products of a reified “Muslimness.”…

Homeland and the Imagination of National Security

Homeland’s key accomplishment is to naturalize the workings of the national security state in the Obama era. Co-authored with Deepa Kumar. The show Homeland began its third season with record-breaking ratings. The show’s creators Alex Ganza and Howard Gordon, who previously collaborated on the wildly popular series 24, seem to have worked out a successful narrative for the War on Terror during the…

In a Foreign Land: the new popular racism

Published in October 2001, this paper explores the new common sense racism emerging through media and political discourses of asylum, particularly linked to the policy of dispersing asylum seekers out of London to other parts of England. Focusing on the ways in which an attitude of multicultural tolerance towards some racialised groups, seen as ‘settled’, appeared to…